I can't even remember the last post I made on here. It's been a long, long time. I feel like I've lost touch with things that I once loved to do. I feel consumed by work, family and day to day living and seem to have very little time for myself. I'm am struggling to find balance in my life and I'm feeling unhappy. It's high time I get back on track and I've started with an FO. It's been on going for I'd say at least 6 months. It's a sweater for Rowan (who is now 3 years old). The yarn is hand painted by Wandering Cat Yarns and the pattern I used is called Carnival Coat out of the Top Down For Toddlers book by Cabin Fever. Please excuse my lack of links, I'm feeling lazy...I had a long night at work. Baby steps! :)

Voila! I finished it up today and Rowan even helped me pick out buttons at the Fabric Centre downtown after her swimming lesson at the YMCA.

Now all that is said and done. I'm feeling inspired. Inspired enough to make myself something for a change. I've had my eye on this pattern that I found on Ravelry for a while now. It's called Owls. I don't know what it is about them but I love owls. They are so eerie and mysterious looking. As soon as I saw this pattern I knew that one day I had to make this for myself. I absolutely love it, getting excited here!!! I'm also impressed with myself, I even remembered my Ravlery user name and password as it has been equally as long as I have been on that site. It's done on chunky yarn, and I want to do it in the grey colour that it's pictured in. It just looks so awesome! YIPPEEE, I can't wait!!!
Next project is finding out what kind of yarn I would like to use and purchasing the pattern.
Off to bed for me now. The wheels are turning though, I'll be dreaming of all things owly and yarny.
Yeah, it looks fantastic. It's always nice when you get your mojo back.
Nice! Looks like she'll get a lot of use out of it!
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