Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I guess it's about time for a blog update! :-)

I've started the Simply Lovely Lace Socks, but I really haven't made too much progress. I've done a few more rows then this picture, but I have it on hold right now because one of the lace patterns didn't come through for some reason, I'm thinking maybe I didn't psso properly, instead I may have passed the yarn over instead. There's a small hole, but it's not like all of the others (nice and lacey like).

I've also almost finished a UFO from before Christmas. It's an earflap hat for Paisley. This is my second hat from the same pattern except I made Paisley's bigger. The first hat I made for my best friend's little boy and he's just over a year. I have one small beef with the hats though. I made Paisley's the size bigger, followed the pattern properly but it still seems small. It still needs an edge around it and the earflaps sewn on, maybe that will make a difference?? I guess I'll find out when it's all finished, but compared to the first one it seems like almost the same size.
I can't wait to get the ball rolling again, but for now I have the knitting blahhhs. Speaking of ball though... Instead of knitting tonight, I had my good friend Becky over for dinner. I made us spaghetti & meatballs, one of my hubby's fabulous recipes. Before he left for work this afternoon, he left me a recipe for the meatballs titled "Ron's Balls", just goes to show you what a character (I mean pervert) he is! *LOL* It makes me love him more though.


Anonymous said...

Ron's balls were so moist and they fit perfectly in my mouth.

Thanks Jenn

Jenn said...

LMAO, omg. That's too funny Bex.
ROTCL, I'm in tears here.

Rhonda said...

Are you sure you should be sharing Ron's Balls? Don't forget he had a good teacher.
We'll look at your sock this weekend and fix it!

Samantha said...

Maybe I'm the confused one, but I didn't think a psso was supposed to leave a lacy hole ... I thought it went with a k1, sl, psso (as in knit one, slip one, pass slipped stitch over) ... Yep, Rhonda's right, let her look at the sock. LOL ...

Samantha said...

By the way -- you make it person #4 I know who's birthday is on March 17th ... and it's the anniversary of when I got my dog. :)